Friday, August 10, 2012

Fishin' Friday

I love fishing. Even if I go out and don't catch something, I still love being outside and in the water. Growing up my dad would take me fishing all the time. He knew it was important to spend quality time together and fishing was his way of spending time with me. A few years ago he bought a boat and named her "Fishin' Boat" and is catching the crap out of the fish up in the PNW. He was visiting my wife and I here a few weeks ago and we were able to catch up and fish the waters around here. I'm grateful for a man who taught me how to tie on a lure and more importantly that time we had together fishing. It's time that is very precious to me. Hope this Friday you do what you love. For me, I'll be fishing.
This is a pond that is just down the road from us.

A pic of my dad fishing. I owe everything I know about fishing to this man.

The Snake River that weaves in and out all over the place here.

Oh, and this is my DANG cute wife catching her first fish ever!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


I found this YouTube page last year and love watching his videos. Devin Supertramp's videos are all about enjoying life. All of his videos are bright and full of people with energy. I love that his name is Supertramp. I aspire to be a Supertramp and one day be free and wild! He's got some great videos so go check him out. 

Dalai Lama

I follow the Dalai Lama on twitter and love what he has to say. I believe he is a man who consistently looks to create good in this world. Anyways, yesterday he tweeted a tight thought which was,   "I have made a commitment to work until I die to raise awareness that the source of happiness, warm-heartedness, lies within us." I feel like it's really easy to blame our problems on other people or say it isn't fair because of the hand we've been dealt. Life is what YOU make it. Not what someone else gives you. You make your life a happy one. Sir Dalai Lama, you were right on in saying that.

The Lighter Side

I wanted this part of my website to be the lighter side of me. What I find to be inspiring, full of life, or just funny. I am a lover of life and want to show you how I live it. Feel free to share!