Friday, November 30, 2012


The month of November is almost over. This year I fully participated in the Movember movement. It was wonderful to see fellow Mo brothers and being able to embrace them. Most of the time it was a slight head nod or if I was lucky, a gentlemen's wink. Whatever it has been, it has been nice to know that there are others out there Mo'ing around. I was worried at the beginning of the month. You see my stash doesn't grow very thick and it is very blonde. A good friend of mine introduced me to Just for Men and people were then able to tell that I was growing a mustache and didn't think that I forgot to shave. Today is the last day of Movember. I am torn. Part of me wants to continue growing it out to have that special Mo bond, but the other part wants my wife to fully love me again. This is tough. Tomorrow will be a trial. Wish me luck. 

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